Joan Miró i Ferrà (April 20, 1893-December 25, 1983) was a Spanish Catalan painter, sculptor, and ceramist born in Barcelona. Earning international acclaim, his work has been interpreted as Surrealism, a sandbox for the subconscious mind, a re-creation of the childlike, and a manifestation of Catalan pride. In numerous interviews dating from the 1930s onwards, Miró expressed contempt for conventional painting methods as a way of supporting bourgeoise society, and famously declared an “assassination of painting” in favor of upsetting the visual elements of established painting.


Check out this fun way to learn about famous Spanish artist Joan Miro.

Get the Joan Miro | Cookie Masterpiece lesson on

Joan Miro Cookie | Art Lesson Plan

Students will learn about Spanish modern artist Joan Miro by being introduced to his art, and then by creating their own masterpiece after his work.

4″ Sugar Cookies
Cookie Frosting
Food Coloring
Popsicle Sticks or Paint Brushes
Icing Bag (or sandwich bag with corner cut)
Cookie Design Worksheet



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